Monday 5 September 2011

Finding a saint

Today was another fine start. We left in a 4WD to head via Megab and Degum to Wukro to visit a Spanish priest who had set up a school for orphans and an agricultural school at Wukro. Father Angel. Passing through Megab and Degum we had a view again of village lifestyles on a Sunday morning,

The drive took us past 2 rock hewn churches at Mikael Minda and Abreha We Atsbeha, about 17 km and 21 km from Megab on the road to Wukro. Both churches were in a rich green valley with beautiful views. Only Abreha We Atsbeha was opened by the priest for 100 birr and then to see the museum for another 50 birr. I must say it was quite interestinto see the rock paintings, clearer than othe rchurches I had seen.

The arrival in Wukro at the Wukro Agriculture College was quick enough as we proceeded through town and finally arrived at the College to be greeted by Father Angel and 2 visiting British optometrists. We were shown around the complex, seeing the large orchards and fields of fruit, salad and vegetables, heow shed fro milk, dorm accomodation, a communal dining room -the site reminded me of a kibbutz. About 15 Spanish volunteers were on site to help withe operations and withe te children. On average they were there for about 2-4 weeks. But I had the impression they did not go often into the town. We were able to speak to Father Angel over lunch, but as usual with the spanish,  a siesta was required. after lunch.

Leaving Wukro we visited Wukros Chikos church, A some what delapidated church, with beggars and children pestering us. But it had a rich history of some 1400 years.

Up he road to Sinkata we had decided to visit the Adi Chewa Arbuti Insesa church just outside Sinakat. We could see the  church,  the rock cliffe wall from the road as it had a distinctive blue cross on its door. However, due to roadworks around Sinkata we had some diffciulty finding a way to it. We finally got within 1.5 km after running out of gravel track, and proceeded to be led /accompanied by about 5 children, that grew to about 12 by the time we reached the church. The walk through fields and past a waterfall and creek and squalking of a large beak billed bird, we climbed the 100 m or so of stairs to the cliff ledge. Howver, as usual no priest and no key to enter.

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