Saturday 29 October 2011

After the working week, a weekend outdoors with a bit of Ethiopian culture

A week in Addis Ababa at a couple of meetings and preparing notes for the Millenium Villages laboratory staff.

Walking back from Addis Ababa office today was followed across a large roundabout outside Mehadane Alem Cathedral by a kid, maybe 3 yo, both of us weaving through traffic as we crossed 3 of the roads that meet at the roundabout, pulling on me trying to get me to give him so money. Pickpocket? one could scarcely believe, but I crossed through traffic and he finally gave up and weaved back through traffic to the side of the road.

This week we had the opportunity to meet the head of GSK Ethiopia - Getachew - (a 25 year veteran) and hear about the launch of penumococcal vaccine here this weekend. Lots of challenges in the pharma market here with China and Indian companies as well as local Ethiopian and other African companies competing for a low return market.

This past weekend ventured south to Debre Zeit, a bustling town around 3 crater lakes, which had a number of hotels on their shores. The area was nothing spectacular but good for resting, cycling and kayaking.

Climbed Mt Entoto - a 2.5 km climb which showed how fit I was for the big one in December. Walking through the villages and markets was in contrast to later on in the day when "exited" Ethiopia and entered Sheraton Addis Ababa for a taste of the finer side of life. Originally surrounded by shanty towns that have all been cleared for future Sheraton development, it is out of place in a country still struggling to support its population. Primarily tourists and upper class Ethiopians can be found there especially many Ethiopians returning from life abroad.

Life for GSK ferenje is spilt between Addis Ababa, a bustling metroplis still with cattle, goats and sheep wandering around outside the Inetrnational Airport, to the rural villages of the Millenium Village Project,. Strikingly food, and insect bites are the key differences, and getting back to Addis Ababa gives some relief from both. Indulging in some western food helps!

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