Tuesday 13 December 2011

Home for a break

I went back home to Australia in mid-November. A pre-arranged trip with the NGO and Pulse to attend to my daughters graduation, parents illness and sons engagement. The project was in hiatus until early January, so nothing could be done or progressed. I remained in contact via Skype with my Pulse GSK colleagues.

Coming back home was refreshing both psychologicallly and physically. I had lost 7 kgs, and a medical check showed I was probably my healthiest in 10-15 years. I have been doing the 4 km 1000 steps in the hills near my house in Melbourne everyday to maintain that level of fitness as well as prepare for the Mt Kilimanjaro climb in December.

News from Hawzen was stunning, 3 close colleagues from MVP ether did not have their contracts renewed or resigned. These were the 3 that had helped the most, so was going to be interesting on my return.

But back in Melbourne, enjoyed family and friends, dinners and outings and preparing for Mt Kilimanjaro.

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