Thursday 2 February 2012

Hawzen - village life again

Went to Mekele ( about 2 hrs south from Hawzen) today with my colleague Delphin, with our local driver Yemane. He has a 12 seater van which he does taxi runs between all the surrounding villages for up to 200 km as well as take tourists to and from Mekele airport to the lodge I am staying in. Had a steak in Mekele as the the food is fairly basic in Hawzen - egg in the morning and soup/pasta/salad in the evening. We also visited our favorite Ethiopan coffee shop (Enku) in Wukro about 45 min north of Mekele.

Then in Wukro, we visited Father Angel Olaran, a Spanish priest who has lived in Wukro for 20 years and who established an orphanage/school.,foundation/menu,who-we-are/menu,angel-olaran/.  We had last visited in September 2011, with a promise to return to help but alas have not made it. I hope I can make it over the next few weeks.  
He has volunteers coming all the time to help, mostly Spanish. May spend a week at this Orphanage teaching chemistry - they are always looking for help with the kids. they have established a large farm and look to be self sufficient as well as selling some of the foodstuffs. Much like a kibbutz.

Last night we had a farewell party for my Spanish colleague Delphine in Hawzen village. Most of the NGO people attended as well as new found friends from the village. A party in Tigray is not a good party without Tigrinya music and "shoulder dancing", a dancing style which requires just shaking your shoulder. The dance starts with everyone moving in a circle to the beat and then half way through breaking off into pairs (m-m or m-f or f-f). The dance style grows on you.

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