Saturday 20 August 2011

First day in Ethiopia

Its Sunday morning and I have been in Addis Ababa almost 18 hrs. Its 6 am as I type,  listening for the last few hours to dogs barking and the muzzein call to prayer. I look from hotel room across a shanty area towards the north east, towards hills whose names I have yet to learn, shrouded in mist.

My flight from Australia via Dubai was uneventful, although I can say dont try to have a shower at Dubai airport as you will be offered paper towels. The flight into Addis over rural areas to the south revealed a green landed with much of it dotted by pools of water from the current rain season. As we approached the airport we flew over blocks of apartments unconnected by any perceivable road - maybe a dirt track but not distinguishable. The Emirates plane landed with a thud and we taxied to the terminal.

The airport was very quiet at 11.15 am so breezed through passport control, money exchange, luggage collection and customs. Sarah Moore, Pulse's first volunteer into Ethiopia this year met me at the airport with her taxi driver. We drove out under the "Bridge" and through a roundabout with cars and donkeys with hay bales as loads, all negotiating a path. Heading northwest along Bole Road it was as I imagined from photos I had seen. As the taxi stopped in the traffic, we were approached by a mother with baby, a blind mother with son ( maybe 10 years old) seeking money for food. As we drove the buildings varied from modern to simple shacks all businesses selling something.

I must comment on the taxis. Not unlike ones I had seen elsewhere, but definitely unroadworthy back home and not a recommendation for the local tourist authority. That being said, the driver Yenene definitely knew what he was doing.

Arriving at Meskel Square, the only place with traffic lights in Addis, we paused again before heading to the hotel. Check in was quick, I got a local SIM card. Sarah and the other two Pulse volunteers in Addis, Laura and Bridget picked me about 2 hrs later and took me for my first Ethiopian meal at the "Family Restaraunt" in DZ, a local suburb- it was Ethiopian Mexican. Interestingly, many streets that do have names are named after countries. We drove past a number of public building surrounded by fence with Lion statue atop  the gate posts.

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