Saturday 27 August 2011

Settled and on board with Millenium Village Project

The first two days at the Millenium office were hectic. A driver had been arranged and Yanis, Delphine, Mullo (Community Health), Sayit (Health Sector worker) and myself headed out to the 3 laboratories that I will be auditing and implementing recommendations. My expectations were zero and went with open mind.

The first laboratory was at Koraro about 28 km drive along unpaved roads ( all roads are upaved) to the west of Hawzen. The laboratory is based in a Health Centre, common to all village areas, which serve a population of about 25,000. The health centre was off the main road and at the end of 1.5 km dirt track. After that we headed back to Mageb, a town about 9 km west of Hawzen which also has a laboratory.
Finally , on the following day we visited Hawzen Health Centre which has  laboartory, probably the best I have seen.

We also managed to visit 3 Health posts near Hawzen that cater for about 5,000 people each with ante-natal care, general ahealth advice and  Rapid Diagnostic Testing for malaria. Near one health post we visited a church which had holy water running out of the hill side.

Enjoyed tow days of lunches at Ethiopian restraunts whic serve only Ethiopian food. How teh kitchens operate is an eye opener, all heating is over charcoal making kitchens very hot, and preparation is done in 2 or 3 rooms, depending on space.

I am finally settling in after two days, cultural shock is over as where I am is for the next 6 mths and it is what it is. What dissapoints me is that everyone is out for money especially from us "ferenje". Walking back from work Friday evening we were accompanied most of the way by a 17 year old girl who spoke reasonable English. We had in fact taken a back street to avoid the singing Ashende girls wanting money.  She wanted to be a doctor. As we turned into the Lodge she asked us for money for books. We could see it coming but it spoiled the previous 15 min of chat and interaction. We offered to help her with her English but she was non-commital.

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